Vaccines, Bio-Terror

This page has links to PDFs related to vaccines, both historically and the Covid injections. Also here are PDFs about related bio-terror. There are two about Katherine Watt’s important work. And one on transhumanism.

Click their titles below to read and/or download them. Occasionally these documents will be updated, and when I do I will note the date of the update under its button.

Here are the downloadable PDFs listed. For descriptions of each, scroll down.

Updated February 20, 2024
Updated June 13, 2024
Updated December 31, 2023
Updated January 2, 2024


• Johns Hopkins and Their Five Tabletop Exercises

When the rollout of Covid woke me up to the bigger global agendas that were at play, I began to pay attention to the players whose names seemed to surface over and over again. One that I noticed was Johns Hopkins. I first heard of them as the “hosts” of Event 201, which was a pandemic scenario “tabletop exercise”. It turns out that Johns Hopkins was host of three other tabletop exercises before Event 201 and one more since then. These are the main topic of this paper following first a look at Johns Hopkins; what they are about, their funding, and a little history.

• Vaccines and the Vaccine Industry – Some Food for Thought

Vaccines are big big business. The industry has tremendous influence over the message that we get about vaccines. This PDF is far from comprehensive but looks at some aspects of vaccines and the vaccine industry that one will never see on mainstream news. The table of contents of the PDF:

Are Vaccines a Modern Life Saving Miracle?

Two Studies That Indicate Vaccines Compromise Health

The Lack of Integrity in the Vaccine Industry

Governments and Health Authorities Are in Bed with Vaccine Makers

Vaccine Propaganda

Operation Warp Speed

The Rushed Covid Vaccine, Mandatory Vaccines

• Fallout from the Covid “Vaccines” – Sources for Data and Analysis

This PDF is in four parts. The first part, Vaccine Injury Data Sources, will provide sources for data about adverse events. The second part, Reports Based on and Interpretation of the Data, will provide links to people who are digging into the data themselves. The third part, Testimonials, will be links to sites that feature individuals’ testimonies about their experiences. The fourth part, Articles and Videos, is links to more related material.

• Moderna and the mRNA Vaccine

This PDF covers the company Moderna and its (and others’) experimental new type of vaccine using mRNA, messenger RNA. It also looks at their connections and funding, DARPA among others. And a look at their corruption.

• American Domestic Bioterrorism Program

This is a PDF made from the the web page American Domestic Bioterrorism Program, authored by Katherine Watt, on her Bailiwick News Substack website. It is an extensive timeline going back to 1900 covering the subverting of the legal system. The next two paragraphs from her overview.

A whole lot of things that once were federal and state crimes and civil rights violations have been legalized by Congress through legislative, statutory revisions to the United States Code, signed by US Presidents, and implemented at the administrative, regulatory level by the Department of Health and Human Services and Department of Defense through the Code of Federal Regulations.

The basic goal of the architects, which has been achieved, was to set up legal conditions in which all governing power in the United States could be automatically transferred from the citizens and the three Constitutional branches into the two hands of the Health and Human Services Secretary, effective at the moment the HHS Secretary himself declared a public health emergency, legally transforming free citizens into enslaved subjects.

• For Those Working at the State and County Level in the United States (plus related sources) – Katherine Watt

Katherine Watt has been doing incredible work digging into the “legal” structures that have been built by the Pentagon and the Health Department, all moving in the direction of the enslavement, essentially, of the American populace. This document is a source document (packed full of links) made up of four pages found on Katherine Watt’s Bailiwick Substack website, that both informs about the history and gives suggestions as to what to do about it: 1) For those working at the state and county level in the United States. 2) Opportunities for US state lawmakers to shield their populations from the next ‘public health emergency’-predicated federal assaults. 3) Orientation for new readers. 4) Reconstitution starter pack.

• The New Constitution: Living War Crimes

This document is the show notes from the video, The New Constitution: Living War Crimes, published by Book of Ours, January 1, 2023.

• Transhumanism and the Technocratic New Normal

Technocrats wants to socially engineer society with the technocrats themselves deciding for us what that will look like, without the consensus of the people involved. Transhumanists want to physically engineer the human body, seeing it as improved by technological enhancement. This PDF is an introduction to transhumanism and a look at the their technocratic tendencies. Society and being human itself are being mechanized.

• Sources for Greg Reese’s Video: Nanotechnology Found in Both Vaxxed And Un-Vaxxed

This is a list of links, in order of appearance, to most (not all) of the documents referred to by Greg Reese in his video, Nanotechnology Found in Both Vaxxed And Un-Vaxxed. The video can be found on my Quasar video channel here.

• Covid Vaccine Informed Consent Checklist

Here is a suggested list of things to inform people about who are considering getting the Covid jab. It is something that I compiled and think all medical people who are jabbing should follow.