This page is links to PDFs related to technocracy and technocrats, and specifically the World Economic Forum, including their Young Global Leaders. Also several about Bill Gates, an extremely influential technocrat.
Click their titles below to read and/or download them. Occasionally these documents will be updated, and when I do I will note the date of the update under its button.
Here are the downloadable PDFs listed. For descriptions of each, scroll down.
Updated December 22, 2023
Updated December 30, 2023
Updated: September 12, 2024 (improved navigation)
Updated: July 15, 2024
Updated: October 29, 2024
• The Great Reset’s Players – Connecting the Dots
This is a reference document in 2 main parts; the first lists over 100 players, for each one listing their involvements, organized in sections, who are active in the Global Coup and Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset that is in its endgame right now. The second part is a number of sections about projects and collaborations that are part of the Great Reset’s agenda; showing where many of the players from the first section are involved. You won’t find great detail about any one player or project; usually just a short intro then their activities. However many links for further exploration are included. It is 90 pages long.
• The Technocrats and Technocracy
Anyone paying any attention at all is aware that the influence of the wealthy elite has grown immensely; a handful of corporations have come to control almost all of the media, influencing not just what “news” we get to hear (and what we don’t get to hear), but how we feel about it. Mom and Pop businesses have been steadily replaced with big box stores and now, online shopping. The influx of the big box world and more and more technology into our lives is only part of the technocrats’ world view, or agenda; what’s at the heart of it is organizing the world in a technical fashion engineered by “experts” and private entities outside of the messiness of democracy and a democratic dialogue.
• The World Economic Forum – An Introduction
The World Economic Forum is an organization with an incredible amount of money, power, and influence who would like to see the world and society dramatically altered. Their vision is one where stakeholders (an elite club) would oversee the Fourth Industrial Revolution, a future in which a high level of technology will dominate every aspect of life. To that end they are now actively championing the Great Reset to take advantage of the economic and social chaos brought on by the response to Covid, to bring in the new normal of technology and transhumanism. This PDF looks at the WEF’s extensive history and its connections to power and authority.
• The WEF’s Young Global Leaders, Extensive List by Categories
This PDF is a companion to the other PDF below about the Young Global Leaders program. This one is simply an extensive list of Young Global Leaders with many more names, descriptions of who they are, and organized into categories. A powerful tool for exposing the conspiracy as not being theory. The July 21st update includes many names from the last few years’ classes who are now in governments around the world.
• Sources for The World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders
Started in 1992 by Klaus Schwab, initially called the Global Leaders of Tomorrow, and becoming the Forum of Young Global Leaders in 2004, it is essentially a school for people groomed to take positions of power and influence all over the world. Shown in links and lists, their graduates include many names you will recognize, not surprisingly totally on board with the Covid narrative and draconian measures.
• Disruptive Technology
While studying technocrats such as the World Economic Forum I began to notice the word “disruptive” being used in reference to new technology. This PDF will look at what “disruptive technology” is, track a bit of its history, and look at it in the digital age and finally, list some of the up and coming disruptive technologies along with some links for further research, should the reader wish to go deeper.
• World Economic Forum Related Covid-19 Perpetrators
This PDF is an article, COVID-19/Perpetrators/WEF, from the Wikispooks website. It is a list of people who have ties with the World Economic Forum who were instrumental in various aspects of the rollout and promotion of the Covid-19 scam, and related measures such as the “vaccines” and digital tracking, etc.
• What is Bill Gates Into? – Sources to Explore
Many links to articles and videos about Bill Gates and his funded enterprises and his shared efforts with other players, as well as some links to information such as grants and projects.
• Bill Gates Buys His Reputation by Funding Media
An extensive list of Bill Gates’ “donations” to media outlets.
• Who is Bill Gates? Transcript – James Corbett
This is the complete transcript from the video, Who Is Bill Gates? replete with links to its sources. It is a powerful documentary by James Corbett, published May 1, 2020, revealing lots of information about Bill Gates. It is in four parts, focusing on different aspects of Gates and his endeavors.
• The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller, Transcript – James Corbett
This is the transcript from James Corbett’s 2017 documentary on the life and legacy of David Rockefeller, upon the passing of the last of the third generation of the robber baron family dynasty.
• The Technocratic Commodifying of the Earth is Under Way
This document is the companion document to a November 24, 2021 video interview by James Corbett with Whitney Webb (linked to below) about the wheels that are already well in motion to commodify the earth. This is not new but post “pandemic” it is accelerating as saving the earth from climate change, we are told, will require sacrifices and leadership from on high.
James Corbett Interview – Whitney Webb Exposes How Green Finance is Monopolizing the Planet
Covid hoax was NOT about vaxxination! The main goal were DNA tests. With every Covid test DNA signal is collected.…