BigTech, Deep State

This page is home to links to PDFs about BigTech (Google, for example) and the Deep State (Council on Foreign Relations, for example). Learn about disruptive technology that supplants the old (without anyone’s consent). Also here are show notes from several of James Corbett’s excellent videos, packed with links to sources.

Click their titles below to read and/or download them. Occasionally these documents will be updated, and when I do I will note the date of the update under its button.

Here are the downloadable PDFs listed. For descriptions of each, scroll down.

Updated: May 1, 2024 (includes lists for the last 3 Presidential administrations)


• Yanks to the Rescue – Again! • The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

In a 2021 Time Magazine article, The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election, the author and the players mentioned in the article openly boast about a conspiracy to bring about the election results they wanted, and explain how they did it. I critique the introductory section of the article.

• Council on Foreign Relations Members – Abridged List

Just what the title says. Check out how the CFR has dominated United States politics for decades, including much, if not most, of the important cabinet positions in the Biden, Trump, and Obama administrations.

• Deep State Operations & Projects They Never Told You About – A Reference Document

Throughout the history of the CIA and the FBI and other elements of the United States Government, there have been operations that were either clandestine or if not completely secret, then at least not intended for general public consumption. Many of them really crossed the line. In a real democracy these operations would never be allowed, both because of the secrecy and because many target we, the people, viewing us as the enemy. For each operation there is an overview from one source and many include more information from other sources.

• How Google Shifted 6 Million Votes To Joe Biden – Links to the Robert Epstein Interview and to Related Material

In a Jimmy Dore interview of Robert Epstein, How Google Shifted 6 Million Votes To Joe Biden!, Epstein explains that he has developed a way to hold Google to account. He says he is doing to Google what they do to us, monitoring and surveilling them and capturing the content. He says he has been able to “preserve” their ephemeral activity, which usually disappears, now keeping it as a matter of record. This PDF is links to sites and material that Epstein referenced in the interview with some excerpts, as well as some more related material.

• Communism, The Inevitable Result of Capitalism?

The purpose of this paper is to look at where it seems the Global Coup’s new normal is headed, which I believe will be a form of communism, not completely unlike Soviet communism. But in this case it will not be socialism that has lead to it but instead will have been capitalism, with Klaus Schwab’s “stakeholder capitalism” having corporations as the “trustees of society”.

• Socialism or Fascism: A look at the inevitable result of capitalism and how we really have a choice

• Capitalism vs. Socialism – A False Construct

Two short articles with thoughts about the titled subjects.

• How BlackRock Conquered the World

This is the transcript of and link to the movie, How BlackRock Conquered the World, a September 19, 2023 James Corbett documentary. It is full of links to the sources for material referenced in the video.

• How & Why Big Oil Conquered the World, Transcript – James Corbett

This is the complete transcript from the videos, How & Why Big Oil Conquered The World replete with links to sources. They are two documentaries by James Corbett.

• 9/11 Trillions- Follow The Money – James Corbett

This is the transcript of and link to the September 11, 2015 video, 9/11 Trillions- Follow The Money by James Corbett. It is full of links to the sources for material referenced in the video.

• 9/11: A Conspiracy Theory

This is the complete transcript from the video, 9/11: A Conspiracy Theory, published by James Corbett, September 11, 2011, replete with his links to sources.

• The Biometric ID Grid: A Country-by-Country Guide

This is a list made by James Corbett of the adoption of various forms and levels of bio-metric ID by countries around the world. It is certainly out of date, 2017, but surprising and disturbing how much, even 6 years ago, was being adopted around the world.