Covid – The Rollout & Response

The PDFs on this page concern themselves with the awful reality of life in 2020 and 2021, as the Covid psyop was rolled out, and the so called “measures.” Masks, PCR manufactured cases, overwhelmed hospitals (not!) – the nightmare we endured.

Click their titles below to read and/or download them. Occasionally these documents will be updated, and when I do I will note the date of the update under its button.

Here are the downloadable PDFs listed. For descriptions of each, scroll down.

Updated January 1, 2024
Updated June 13, 2024


• The PCR Test – Important Update!

The Important Update: In light of no longer believing that contagious viruses exist, I have written a long introduction update to this PDF, explaining to readers that some of what is presented was based on my acceptance of science that I no longer think was valid. The original PDF remains unchanged. I have also added a section of links to virology skeptical material.

The CDC and the media have engaged in mission creep; from 2 weeks of lockdown to flatten the curve, to finally in late summer increasing the fear factor because of cases. And at the center of the whole thing is PCR, a process fraudulently being used as a test. The results of the PCR tests are driving the narrative and being used all over the United States and around the world to justify draconian lockdowns. But the PCR test has a number of issues. This PDF presents information that illuminates the dissembling that has been and is being used to manufacture a case epidemic (casedemic).

• How Does Covid-19 Compare? Is it Extraordinary?

This PDF looks at Covid’s death count and compares it to that of other pandemics and other causes of death which are preventable and treatable. It also looks at how new special protocols for recording Covid on death certificates contributes to inflated numbers. This PDF includes the same update as noted above about The PCR Test, a preface explaining the meaninglessness of the “official” statistics.

• Regarding Covid Case Statistics

Be very wary anytime you hear Covid case statistics used. The PCR process, falsely called a test, is, when used as a test, extremely flawed and really almost worthless.

• Media Terror Tactic – The Hospitals Are Overwhelmed!

Back in mid 2020 I did an internet search for “hospitals overwhelmed” and put in a random year. I found that for almost any year in the last three decades articles and videos can be found documenting the overwhelming of hospitals, usually with a good shock tenor to the narrative. Along with the linked titles, indented text under the titles are excerpts from the articles.

• The Real Anthony Fauci – James Corbett Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – Transcript with Links

This is the transcript of an interview by James Corbett with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. mostly about his new book, The Real Anthony Fauci replete with links to the video and more.

• Pam Popper’s Weekly Newsletter Articles

Pam Popper has been doing excellent work since day 1 of the Covid madness and has done lots of good research. This PDF has links to her weekly newsletters, The Forbidden Chronicles, full of good sourced information. It is an edited version (I added titles) of a list of links to those articles found on her website.

• The Green Party’s Black Caucus Gets it Right

December 8, 2021, the Green Party made a statement, falling in line with the bulk of the left’s mass hypnosis, supporting the Covid justified draconian measures and the vaccines, including mandates. On December 13, 2021, their Black Caucus made a counter statement that knocked it out of the park, clearly outlining what a real rational left should be for and against. Also they note that the Medical Freedom movement is arguably the biggest and most diverse international movement in world history.

• Sources for Mask Studies

This document contains links to numerous studies about masks. For a few of them I have included a short excerpt from the study but most of them are just the linked titles of the studies. Check them out for yourself.