This page is home to PDFs related to information that flies in the face of virology, exploding the myth that contagious viruses exist. There are several PDFs with links to Sam Bailey’s many videos along with her source references. Also find a PDF of Christine Massey’s extensive documentation of FOI requests for evidence of virus isolation. And a PDF full of links to sources to explore the evidence of No-Virus.
Click their titles below to read and/or download them. Occasionally these documents will be updated, and when I do I will note the date of the update under its button.
Here are the downloadable PDFs listed. For descriptions of each, scroll down.
Updated December 7, 2024
Updated February 7, 2025
Updated February 7, 2025
Updated February 1, 2024
Updated February 3, 2024
• Six Studies & Reports Demonstrating no Successful Transmission of Viral Diseases from Person to Person
There have been numerous studies done where medical people have tried to transmit a virus thought to be infectious, into other people. This PDF gives excerpts from six studies and reports that try but fail to transmit a disease or that chronicle the lack of transmission.
• Explore No-Virus Articles, PDFs, Videos, Websites – Extensive Sources
This PDF is organized in sections, each offering a particular kind of source for the exploring of many related subjects: The questioning of whether viruses exist (no one has yet taken up the challenge to give proof of virus isolation), whether virology should even be considered to be a science, terrain theory, alternative explanations for “outbreaks”.
• Toxicology vs Virology: Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud – F. William Engdahl
An amazing article by F. William Engdahl about the origins and evolution of virology as we know it today, thanks to the Rockefellers with help from the Flexner brothers. Further, it goes into the real cause of “outbreaks”: toxins. There is also a video of this by Sam Bailey, which is Engdahl’s text read with video and images added.
• Rog’s Short No-Virus Rap
Just what the title says; a short rap about the perils of blindly accepting the germ theory, which leads one on wild goose chases away from dealing with the real causes of dis-ease.
• Sam Bailey Videos’ Show Notes
Sam Bailey and her husband Mark are among the many medically trained professionals who have come to adopt this no-virus, yes-terrain belief. Both have written articles and books about the subject. And since shortly after the rollout of Covid, Sam has been making videos, digging into the fallacies of virology and offering alternative explanations for being “sick”.
These three PDFs are catalogues of some of the videos Sam has made. An index links to sections for each video with a link to the video on her website, Sam’s intro for the video, and her References; links to sources for the video.
• No-Virus – Another Lengthy List of Sources
This PDF is a list of No-Virus information sources, a good supplement to my PDF, Explore No-Virus Articles, PDFs, Videos, Websites – Extensive Sources. This list is edited from a list of links given to me by my friend, Robert Burrowes, that he had collected.
• FOIs Reveal That Health/Science Institutions Around the World (220 and Counting!) Have No Record of Sars-Cov-2 Isolation/Purification, Anywhere, Ever
This document is an abbreviated copy of the content of the web page, (same name as this PDF), by Christine Massey on her website. The page is an account of the huge amount of responses to FOIA requests worldwide that have been amassed requesting records that describe the isolation/purification of the alleged “COVID-19 virus”, as well as some links to related articles, PDFs, and videos.
• The End of Germ Theory – Links to the Source Material Used in the Video
The End of Germ Theory is a video made by Spacebusters. It is an extensive two and a half hour deep dive into the fallacious theories that are virology. The narrator cites and reads from many documents throughout the video. This PDF is a list of clickable links to those documents, in order of appearance in the video.
• Is Karl Popper’s Falsification Theory Falsifiable?
In light of the current mainstream chant to “trust the science” and the accusations that skepticism of the “settled science” is conspiracy theory, I thought Karl Popper’s ideas about scientific theory deserves looking at. From a Quora thread, two people’s ideas about Karl Popper’s falsifiability concept.
• Interesting Virus Theory
This was copied from one of the comments on a Really Graceful BitChute video by Commenter, Kind After Kind. Remember, people, there’s a reason it’s called Germ Theory.
Covid hoax was NOT about vaxxination! The main goal were DNA tests. With every Covid test DNA signal is collected.…