This page is populated by the handful of PDFs I have made that I consider to be the most important, both because of the topic, the content, and how well the subject is covered. In other words, the ones most valuable as tools for learning and for sharing information with others still naive about the battle we are in.
Click their titles below to read and/or download them. Occasionally these documents will be updated, and when I do I will note the date of the update under its button.
Here are the downloadable PDFs listed. For descriptions of each, scroll down.
Updated December 30, 2023
Updated: September 12, 2024 (improved navigation)
Updated December 22, 2023
Updated February 20, 2024
Updated June 13, 2024
• Human Caused Climate Change? A Skeptical Look at the Narrative
This is 12 separate PDFs (each one related to a different topic) that offer information and views skeptical of the mainstream “settled science”, “consensus” climate change narrative. See the Climate Change??? menu page for descriptions of each PDF.
• The Great Reset’s Players – Connecting the Dots
This is a reference document in 2 main parts; the first lists over 100 players, for each one listing their involvements, organized in sections, who are active in the Global Coup and Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset that is in its endgame right now. The second part is a number of sections about projects and collaborations that are part of the Great Reset’s agenda; showing where many of the players from the first section are involved. You won’t find great detail about any one player or project; usually just a short intro then their activities. However many links for further exploration are included. It is 90 pages long.
• The World Economic Forum – An Introduction
This PDF is not a deep dive into all of the World Economic Forum’s machinations but is an overview showing who and what Klaus Schwab and his WEF is and are. And goes into their connections to and partnerships with global authority and power and what they envision with their Fourth Industrial Revolution and their Great Reset. It also looks at their intimate relationship with the burgeoning Biosecurity Paradigm.
• The WEF’s Young Global Leaders, Extensive List by Categories
This is an extensive list of Young Global Leaders with many names, descriptions of who they are, and organized into categories. A powerful tool for exposing the conspiracy as not being theory. Recommended: first read The World Economic Forum – An Overview (see above) to understand who is training the Young Global Leaders. For more about them, see my PDF, Sources for The World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders, on the Sources PDFs menu page.
• The Technocrats and Technocracy – A Primer
An overview of what Technocracy is and some examples of the role it and the Technocrats have played since the days of the Robber Barons. Now more than ever it’s important to be aware that the issues that plague society are not a natural evolution into a more complex world that seems unmanageable. It is intentional.
• Vaccines and the Vaccine Industry – Some Food for Thought
Vaccines are big big business. The industry has tremendous influence over the message that we get about vaccines. Governments and health authorities are in bed with vaccine makers. This PDF is far from comprehensive but looks at some aspects of vaccines and the vaccine industry that one will never see on mainstream news.
• Fallout from the Covid “Vaccines” – Sources for Data and Analysis
This PDF is in four parts. The first part, Vaccine Injury Data Sources, will provide sources for data about adverse events. The second part, Reports Based on and Interpretation of the Data, will provide links to people who are digging into the data themselves. The third part, Testimonials, will be links to sites that feature individuals’ testimonies about their experiences. The fourth part, Articles and Videos, is links to more related material.
Covid hoax was NOT about vaxxination! The main goal were DNA tests. With every Covid test DNA signal is collected.…