About This Website, What’s in the Menu Items

Note: As of February 5, 2024, all my content has been redistributed into new menu items; they are now more intuitively organized by topic. Otherwise, same material. Also they all now appear as posts on the home page, newest on top.

• Also note that a few Feature PDFs are highlighted and linked to in the Right Sidebar »»»

Content on this website: All of my content since the rollout of Covid is related to the current ongoing Global Coup and is done in the form of PDFs for ease of downloading and distributing and can be found under the following menu items:

Climate Change ??? – this most recently added menu item is the home of the 12 PDFs that make up my biggest project: Human Caused Climate Change? A Skeptical Look at the Narrative.  Also find a few other climate related items here.

• No-Virus: This page is home to PDFs related to information that flies in the face of virology, exploding the myth that contagious viruses exist. There are several PDFs with links to Sam Bailey’s many videos along with her source references. Also find a PDF of Christine Massey’s extensive documentation of FOI requests for evidence of virus isolation. And source PDFs for further exploration of the idea of No-Virus are coming soon.

• World Health Organization, CDC: This page has PDFs that all are related to either the World Health Organization or the Centers for Disease Control. Currently the big thing is the WHO’s efforts to rewrite the International Health Regulations and get a new pandemic treaty.

• Technocracy, World Economic Forum: This page is links to PDFs related to technocracy and technocrats, and specifically the World Economic Forum, including their Young Global Leaders. There are several about Bill Gates, an extremely influential technocrat.

• Vaccines, Bio-Terror: This page has links to PDFs related to vaccines, both historically and the Covid injections. Also here are PDFs about related bio-terror. There are two about Katherine Watt’s important work. And one on transhumanism.

• Psyop – Covid & Beyond: The Covid response was driven more by the acceptance of the State overreach than anything else. How could it happen that so many yielded their agency? This page has links to PDFs related to the psychology of the psyop that was Covid. Included is an interview with Jim Morrison; he reflects on personal power and society.

• BigTech, Deep State: This page is home to links to PDFs about BigTech (Google, for example) and the Deep State (Council on Foreign Relations, for example). Learn about disruptive technology that supplants the old (without anyone’s consent). Also here are show notes from several of James Corbett’s excellent videos, packed with links to sources. 

• Covid – The Rollout & Response: The PDFs on this page concern themselves with the awful reality of life in 2020 and 2021, as the Covid psyop was rolled out, along with the so called “measures.” Masks, PCR manufactured cases, overwhelmed hospitals (not!) – the nightmare we endured. 

• Resistance to the Global Coup: This short list of PDFs are about efforts from those who fought to enlighten us and to offer solutions regarding aspects of the Global Coup.

PDF Library – a library of over 1,000 downloadable PDFs ranging from studies and scientific papers to documents published by the bad actors themselves and more. They are organized in 25 documents, each with links to PDFs in a particular category. (These 25 documents do not appear as posts.)

• Indexes of all of Rog’s PDFs and Videos – This page is downloadable PDFs related to videos posted on my 3 video channels (which all have the same content). So far the content is reposting of others’ video, but original content is coming soon. Also here are PDFs of all my content organized in different ways to peruse.

December, 2024 Note: I hope to start producing original video content on my Quasar BitChute channel soon. Much will be complimented by documents posted here. Until then, check out the videos I’ve posted. See the index with links to all the videos in the Right Sidebar »»»

I also have two other video channels that aren’t always kept as up to date as the BitChute channel. Those are: Quasar Rumble Channel, Quasar Odysee Channel

A note on the use of the word “Covid”:

I initially used the word “Covid” in the title of my eBook (my first post-Covid writing effort) and then as a description of the types of PDFs I have been generating because it was, at least in the public’s eye, the BIG thing that was happening. I have since decided it would be better to replace the word “Covid” with “Global Coup” because that’s what is really happening; Covid being the chosen psyop tactic that leveraged it. Hence some of my previous documents have been retitled with “Global Coup” replacing “Covid”.

March, 2020 I dove into researching and learning about aspects of the madness and dysfunctionality (to put it diplomatically) that is the Covid Scam. First that was manifested in putting together my eBook, The Covid / Lockdown Crisis – Alternative Information & Sources. (Click on that in the menu for more info and a free download.)

Since Fall, 2020 my efforts have been directed at creating a variety of other documents (PDFs) addressing many aspects of the ongoing Global Coup. All of the PDFs are downloadable. Please do download them and pass them on to anyone who you think they might benefit.

Following is my original pre-Covid blurb for this site,
sharing my orientation as it was and still is:

This website will not be hard news but rather my take on the news; often looking for what the reality is underneath the bullshit story that is the entertainment / propaganda proffered by mainstream news.

Further, I want to look at the human side of events. Our society is defined by paradigms that lock it into destructive patterns. Normal superficial news media gets mileage off of problems and issues but never bothers to find out why these issues exist.

There is almost always really important stuff behind the current events, but they don’t want you to think about that. I do.

For my not so political side (the side I’d like to feature in my life if the people in power weren’t on such a rampage as they are now), go to my Golden Galaxies website.

2 Responses to About This Website, What’s in the Menu Items

  1. Susan Ehret says:

    Thank you for all of your meticulous work!

  2. Karin Tscholl says:

    Really helpful summaries of what is going on, thank you so much!

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