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• Updated January 1, 2024 •
The Important Update: In light of no longer believing that contagious viruses exist, I have written a long introduction update to this PDF, explaining to readers that some of what is presented was based on my acceptance of science that I no longer think was valid. The original PDF remains unchanged. I have also added a section of links to virology skeptical material.
The CDC and the media have engaged in mission creep; from 2 weeks of lockdown to flatten the curve, to finally in late summer increasing the fear factor because of cases. And at the center of the whole thing is PCR, a process fraudulently being used as a test. The results of the PCR tests are driving the narrative and being used all over the United States and around the world to justify draconian lockdowns. But the PCR test has a number of issues. This PDF presents information that illuminates the dissembling that has been and is being used to manufacture a case epidemic (casedemic).
Covid hoax was NOT about vaxxination! The main goal were DNA tests. With every Covid test DNA signal is collected.…